Oracle EBs Apps Blog of Mahfuz, OPM and OBIEE Consultant

Saturday 29 April 2017

Same Item Produced in Multiple Organizations

Same Item Produced in Multiple Organizations

/* Formatted on 2017/04/30 12:11 (Formatter Plus v4.8.8) */
SELECT   subinventory_code, t.transaction_type_id, org.organization_code,
         org.organization_name, h.batch_no, SUM (t.transaction_quantity) qty,
         c.acctg_cost, SUM (t.transaction_quantity * c.acctg_cost) total
    FROM mtl_material_transactions t,
         gl_item_cst c,
         org_organization_definitions org,
         gme_batch_header h
   WHERE t.transaction_type_id IN (33, 37, 43, 44)
     AND t.inventory_item_id =
                   (SELECT inventory_item_id
                      FROM mtl_system_items_b i
                     WHERE i.segment1 = :item_code AND i.organization_id = 102)
     AND TRUNC (t.transaction_date) >= c.start_date
     AND TRUNC (t.transaction_date) <= c.end_date
     AND t.inventory_item_id = c.inventory_item_id
     AND t.organization_id = c.organization_id
     AND c.period_id = :period_id
     AND t.organization_id = org.organization_id
     AND t.transaction_source_id = h.batch_id
     AND t.organization_id = h.organization_id
GROUP BY subinventory_code,
ORDER BY organization_code ASC

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