Oracle EBs Apps Blog of Mahfuz, OPM and OBIEE Consultant

Tuesday 23 June 2020

link from xla.xla_events xe to mf_xla_extract_headers

select xe.* from xla.xla_events xe WHERE XE.EVENT_ID IN  
(Select event_id from gmf_xla_extract_headers where source_document_id = &batch_id and txn_source = 'PM');  

Query 20 - SLA Distribution Links
 select xte.* from xla_transaction_entities_upg xte where xte.application_id = 555 and xte.entity_id in (select xe.entity_id from xla.xla_events xe WHERE XE.EVENT_ID IN (select EVENT_ID from GMF_XLA_EXTRACT_HEADERS where SOURCE_DOCUMENT_ID = &batch_id and txn_source = 'PM' ) );  

Query 21 - SLA Headers
 SELECT * FROM XLA_AE_HEADERS where application_id = 555 and event_id IN ( Select event_id from gmf_xla_extract_headers where source_document_id =&batch_id and txn_source = 'PM');  

Query 22 - SLA Lines  
SELECT * FROM xla_ae_lines where ae_header_id IN ( SELECT ae_header_id FROM xla_ae_headers where application_id = 555 and event_id IN ( Select event_id from gmf_xla_extract_headers where source_document_id =&batch_id and txn_source = 'PM'));  

Query 23 - Item Component Class Details
select a.* from gl_item_dtl a where a.itemcost_id in (select itemcost_id from gl_item_cst where (inventory_item_id, organization_id,cost_type_id, period_id) IN (select distinct mmt.inventory_item_id, mmt.organization_id,gps.cost_type_id,gps.period_id from gmf_organization_definitions god, gmf_period_statuses gps, gmf_fiscal_policies gfp, cm_mthd_mst mthd, mtl_material_transactions mmt WHERE mmt.transaction_source_type_id = 5 AND god.organization_id = mmt.organization_id AND mmt.transaction_source_id = &&batch_id AND gfp.legal_entity_id = god.legal_entity_id AND mthd.cost_type_id = gfp.cost_type_id AND gps.legal_entity_id = gfp.legal_entity_id AND gps.cost_type_id = gfp.cost_type_id AND mmt.transaction_date >= gps.start_date AND mmt.transaction_date <= gps.end_date));

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