Oracle EBs Apps Blog of Mahfuz, OPM and OBIEE Consultant

Sunday 8 September 2024

Batch Transactions History

 gbh.plant_code        plant,
 gbh.batch_no          "batch num",
 flv.meaning           "Batch Status",
 --trunc(gbh.plan_start_date)   "Plan Start",
 trunc(gbh.actual_start_date) "Actual Start",
 trunc(gbh.due_date) "Due Date",
 --trunc(gbh.plan_cmplt_date) plan_complete,
 trunc(gbh.actual_cmplt_date) "Actual Comp Date",
 ffmb.attribute4 batch_type,
 -- gbs.plan_step_qty,
  from gme_batch_header          gbh,
       gme_batch_steps_v           gbs,
       gme_material_details_v    gmd,
       hr_all_organization_units hou,
       mtl_parameters            mp,
       fnd_lookup_values         flv,
       fm_form_mst_b             ffmb
 where 1=1
   AND gbh.batch_id = gmd.batch_id
   AND gbh.batch_id = gbs.batch_id
   AND gbh.organization_id = gmd.organization_id
      -- AND gmd.line_type = '1'
      --AND gmd.line_no = 1
   and gmd.organization_id = hou.organization_id
   and gmd.organization_id = mp.organization_id
   AND flv.lookup_code = TO_CHAR(gbh.batch_status)
   AND flv.lookup_type = 'GME_BATCH_STATUS'
   AND flv.language = 'US' --and NAME='PIP-PF-Tasty Treat-141'
   AND ffmb.formula_id = gbh.formula_id
   and  gmd.item_no='0130022000'
  -- and gbh.batch_no = 130810
--   and gbs.batchstep_no = 10
 order by 2

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